Practical & Playful Gift Ideas 2022

I find it challenging to come up with a gift I’m excited to give. I want the gift to bring a smile to their face when they open it and be something they probably wouldn’t buy for themselves.

I have several excellent gifters in my life, so I often dread this time of year - the PRESSURE!!!!! Yes, I know it's self-induced and unhealthy, but I want people to know how much I love and appreciate them, and the gift represents that to me. So much so that I’ll sometimes not give a gift if it feels like just checking a box, ya know?

Sooo, I thought I’d share some gift ideas that you may not have thought of for your particular person in case they help alleviate your stress:

If they burn candles or incense, how about a beautiful match holder and striker?

If they cook or are just messy in the kitchen ;), how about a cute apron?

If they have everything and are charitable, how about donating an animal to a family in need? (LOVE Heifer International!)

If they love original art, how about a piece from a local artist?

If they have a dog, how about a breed umbrella to perk up those walks in the rain?

If they like fun new thingamabobs, how about this fun, rechargeable lightbulb?

If they sleep, how about pretty pj’s?

If they are film fanatics, how about a subscription to KinoNow?

If they write, how about a fancy pencil?

If they have an iPhone, how about a charging pad?

If they prep meals ahead, how about a set of glasses with lids?

If they have a dark door, how about a colorful wreath that supports a global artisan?

If they have a bathroom, how about the Most Attractive bamboo TP? (LOVE this soft AND no-crumble TP)

If they cook, how about some no-scratch tongs?

I hope something in there inspires you and makes gifting easier.

Follow links for more details and purchasing - Happy Shopping and Happier Giving!

What was the most practical and playful gift you’ve ever received or given? I’d love to hear!

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